The Lady in Gold

You may have seen the move Woman in Gold with Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds. If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. I watched it before my trip to Vienna, and I love it even more now that I’ve returned. I knew nothing about the story, and in fact didn’t even know it was based on a book until my grandmother handed it to me. I’m so glad she did because this book provided more detail and insight into the whole situation.

Beyond the Call

There’s a little coffee shop in Waco called Bru.  It’s located in an old elevator, all brass and crimson and Deco, just to the side of a marble lobby in the Praetorian building.  The setting is amazing, and the coffee is the best I’ve ever had.  But, I keep going back because one of the girls who works there is delightful.  We talk about books and writing and coffee, and she always asks me what to read.  I was reading this book when I realized that World War II seems to be my 2017 theme.  I told her I needed to shift topics, and she told not to apologize for reading what I want.  So I won’t.

The Vanquished

I started reading this book last month, and it was the sort of non-fiction book that made me want to read a pulpy fiction book at the same time.  I took a trip to Barnes & Noble to get book number 2 in Rick Riordan’s Magnus Chase series and walked out $100 lighter.  Always a hazard in my world.  This book was so very dry that I actually started reading three other books since I started it.

The List

Like the best chick lit, Adrienne meets a handsome, mysterious man who keeps her guessing. She wants the love story, but she also wants to make a name for herself.  In pursuit of both goals, hijinks, intrigue, and adventure ensues.

The Run

This book felt like an episode of a serial TV show like NCIS, only not quite as good.  Maybe like Hawaii 5-0.  Enjoyable enough characters, enough action to keep it interesting, and will be continued next week at the same day and time.